About Us
Coastal Resiliency, One Quadrat* at a Time
*quadrat: a frame used to assess numbers or density over a set area, as here with eelgrass, Zostera marina
Our research group seeks opportunities to apply basic ecological concepts in coastal restoration settings to aid conservation planning. We aim to inspire and train San Francisco State University undergraduates to engage in science-based solutions to environmental degradation from local and global causes. We work with local communities to increase opportunities for involvement and agency in decision-making as climate change impacts intensify.

Our Story
Dr. Katharyn Boyer began teaching and research at San Francisco State University in the Department of Biology in 2004. Her interest in estuaries and coasts began at a young age on the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, and later took her to San Diego and Los Angeles, California and Chapel Hill, North Carolina to pursue graduate degrees and postdoctoral experience. Her lab at the Estuary & Ocean Science Center consists of graduate students, undergraduates, and research technicians who share the common goal of using sound science to inform how best to restore and conserve coastal habitats, especially in the face of climate change. She became interim executive director of the EOS Center in June 2022.