On San Francisco Bay in Tiburon, CA, the Estuary & Ocean Science Center is a prime location for research, teaching, and outreach. Here, the Boyer Lab conducts ecology and restoration experiments in the flow-through baywater system, and uses the shore as a living laboratory to test methods for nature-based adaptation to sea level rise and other climate changes.
Address for the EOS Center:
3150 Paradise Drive, Tiburon, California 94920
United States of America
We are mostly working remotely, so please email (see above) if you would like to visit.
Coming to the lab or offices via Tiburon Blvd, Trestle Glen, then Paradise Drive, use the 2nd entrance into the EOS Center (3150 Paradise Drive). Come all the way down the hill to the waterfront, then go right (south) as far as you can go. You'll have the baywater system tanks to your left along the water and a white building (Delta Hall) on your right. There is a big solar panel array right in front of the building. Park in front of Delta Hall and come in the front sliding doors. For Dr. Boyer, go up the stairs to your right as you enter (or take the elevator), through the door at the top of the stairs, and look for room 203. For the Boyer Lab, go straight through the atrium and you'll see the lab on the right, just before the elevated walkway.
If you are attending an event at the Bay Conference Center, use the 1st entrance (3152 Paradise Drive), and follow the signs.