Master's theses
24. Geana Ayala (2021), Eelgrass (Zostera marina) invertebrate community recovery following an extreme low salinity event
23. Christian Tettelbach (2021), Effects of CO₂, light, and invasive amphipod herbivory on eelgrass (Zostera marina)
22. Kelly Santos (2020), Suaeda californica in San Francisco Bay: Phenology, germination, and high tide refuge
21. Stephanie Saffouri (2020), Biotic filters shaping Limonium invasion in San Francisco Bay salt marshes
20. Margot Buchbinder (2018), Facilitating recovery of a salt marsh restoration site through active revegetation
19. Julie Gonzalez (2017), Distribution of an invasive crab in San Francisco Bay and implications for cordgrass restoration
18. Crystal Weaver (2017), The effects of sediments and associated microbial communities in Zostera marina restoration
17. Serina Sebilian (2016), Temperature and salinity effects on Stuckenia pectinata traits and susceptibility to grazing
16. Melissa Patten (2016), Phenotypic plasticity and morphological variation in a native submerged aquatic plant
15. Kevin Stockmann (2016), Assessing fish presence at eelgrass and oyster restorations in San Francisco Estuary
14. Cassie Pinnell (2016), Invertebrate responses to eelgrass and oyster restoration in San Francisco Estuary
13. Lauren Scheinberg (2015), Feeding behavior and population structure of Ampithoe valida: a bicoastal comparison
12. Evyan Borgnis (2013), Predicting impacts of salinity and temperature on native and invasive submerged aquatic vegetation in the San Francisco Estuary
11. Jeff Lewis (2013), Effects and interactions of epifaunal grazers in San Francisco Bay eelgrass beds
10. Rosa Schneider (2013), Investigating rarity in an endemic wetland thistle
9. Gwen Santos (2013), Nutrient dynamics and production in San Francisco Bay eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds
8. Stephanie Kiriakopolos (2013), Herbivore-driven semelparity in a typically iteroparous plant, Zostera marina
7. Autumn Cleave (2012), Invasion of Limonium ramosissimum in a changing environment
6. Gavin Archbald (2011), Predicting the spread of Limonium ramosissimum in San Francisco Bay marshes
5. Amelia Ryan (2009), Nitrogen and salinity interactions in Sarcocornia pacifica dominated salt marshes
4. Lindsey Carr (2008), Epifaunal community structure and trophic interactions in San Francisco Bay eelgrass (Zostera marina) habitats
3. Anya Perron-Burdick (2007), Integrated management techniques for the control of Lepidium latifolium (perennial pepperweeed) in tidal marshes in the San Francisco Bay Estuary
2. Brittany Huntington (2006), Is a macroalga threatening seagrass survival? Responses of seagrass to increased macroalgal dominance in Tomales Bay, CA
1. Johanna Kertesz (2006), The role of biodiversity in a fluctuating environment