**Graduate student author, ***undergraduate student author
Ritter, C. J., J. C. Olson, W. P. Cochlan, K. E. Boyer, M. Goodison, G. M. Ruiz, and M. B. Ogburn. In press. Assessing fish distribution in Richardson Bay, California: A preliminary Dual-frequency Identification Sonar and environmental data approach. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science.
Gross, C. P., J. E. Duffy, K. A. Hovel, P. L. Reynolds, C. Bostrom, K. E. Boyer, et al. 2024. A latitudinal cline in the structure and taxonomic turnover of eelgrass epifaunal communities is associated with plant genetic diversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography
Schneider**, R. S. and K. E. Boyer. 2024. Contributions of perennial pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium) invasion to rarity of the endangered Suisun Thistle (Cirsium hydrophilum var. hydrophilum). Estuaries and Coasts 47: 622-636.
Gonzalez**, J. A., G. M. Ruiz, A. L. Chang, and K. E. Boyer. 2024. Effects of a non-native crab on the restoration of cordgrass in San Francisco Bay. Ecological Restoration 42:28-41.
Patten**, M. V. and K. E. Boyer. 2023. Investigating causes and implications of morphological variation in a native pondweed (Stuckenia pectinata) of San Francisco Estuary. Aquatic Botany
Boyer, K. E., S. M. Safran, S. Khanna, and M. V. Patten**. 2023. Landscape transformation and variation in invasive species abundance drive change in primary production of aquatic vegetation in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science: State of Bay Delta Science Special issue 20:4.
Harper**, K., L. A. Scheinberg**, K. E. Boyer, and E. E. Sotka. 2022. Global distribution of cryptic native, introduced and hybrid lineages in the widespread estuarine amphipod Ampithoe valida. Conservation Genetics 23:791-806. pdf
Zabin, C. J., L. J. Jurgens, J. M. Bible, M. V. Patten**, A. L. Chang, E. D. Grosholz, and K. E. Boyer. 2022. Increasing the resilience of ecological restoration to extreme climatic events. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, doi:10.1002/fee.2471
Duffy, J. Emmett, J. J. Stachowicz, P. L. Reynolds, E. E. Sotka, K. A. Hovel, C. Boström, K. E. Boyer, et al. 2022. A Pleistocene legacy structures variation in modern seagrass ecosystems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 119 (32) e2121425119.
Gross, C., J. Duffy, K. Hovel, M. Kardish, P. Reynolds, C. Boström, K. Boyer, et al. 2022. The biogeography of community assembly: latitude and predation drive variation in community trait distribution in a guild of epifaunal crustaceans. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289,
Beheshti**, K. M., S. L. Williams, K. E. Boyer, C. Endris, A. Clemons, T. Grimes, K. Wasson, B. B. Hughes. 2022. Small scale restoration with large scale impact: seagrass restoration success fosters recovery of key ecosystem services. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 103(1):e01945. PDF
Beheshti**, K. M., S. L. Williams, K. E. Boyer, C. Endris, A. Clemons, T. Grimes, K. Wasson, B. B. Hughes. 2022. Rapid restoration of multiple ecosystem services associated with a coastal foundation species. Ecological Applications 32(1), e02466.
Schneider**, R. S. and K. E. Boyer. 2021. Limiting life history stages in the endangered wetland plant, Cirsium hydrophilum var. hydrophilum (Asteraceae). Madroño 68:39–51. PDF
Pinnell**, C. M., M. V. Patten, G. S. Ayala**, and K. E. Boyer. 2021. Seagrass and oyster reef restoration in living shorelines: Effects of habitat configuration on invertebrate community assembly. Diversity 13(6), 246;
Burdick, D. M., G. E. Moore, and K. E. Boyer. 2021. Impacts of exotic and native species invading tidal marshes. Chapter 14 in Salt Marshes, Z. Hughes and D. Fitzgerald, eds., Cambridge University Press. PDF
Cloern, J. E., S. Safran, L. S. Vaughn, A. Robinson, A. A. Whipple, K. E. Boyer, J. Z. Drexler, R. J. Naiman, J. L. Pinckney, E. R. Howe, E. A. Canuel, and J. L. Grenier. 2021. On the human appropriation of wetland primary production. Science of the Total Environment.
Hovel, K. A., J. E. Duffy, J. J. Stachowicz, P. Reynolds, C. Boström, K. E. Boyer, M. Cusson, F. J. Fodrie, K. Gagnon, C. M. Hereu, M. Hori, P. Jorgensen, C. Kruschel, K. Lee, M. Nakaoka, N. E. O’Connor, F. Rossi, J. Ruesink, F. Tomas, and S. Ziegler. 2021. Joint effects of patch edges and habitat degradation on faunal predation risk in a widespread marine foundation species. Ecology 102(5), e03316. PDF
Hernán, G., M. J. Ortega, J. Henderson, J. Alos, K. Boyer, S. Cimon, V. Combes, M. Cusson, C. M. Hereu, M. Hessing-Lewis, K. Hovel, P. Jorgensen, S. Kiriakopolos, N. Kollars, M. I. O´Connor, J. Olsen, P. L. Reynolds, J. Ruesink, E. Voigt and F. Tomas. 2021. Latitudinal variation in plant defense against herbivory in a marine foundation species does not follow a linear pattern: the importance of resource availability. Global Ecology and Biogeography 30:220-234. PDF
Hansen***, M. L., K. Crow, M. V. Buchbinder**, and K. E. Boyer. 2020. Invasive mangroves produce unsuitable habitat for endemic goby and burrowing shrimp pairs in Kāne'ohe Bay, Oahu, Hawai'i. Ciencias Marinas 46(4).
Grimes**, T. M., M. T. Tinker, B. B. Hughes, K. E. Boyer, L. Needles, K. Beheshti**, and R. L. Lewison. 2020. Characterizing the impact of recovering sea otters on commercially important crab in California estuaries. Marine Ecology Progress Series 655: 123–137. PDF
Rudebusch**, J., B. Hughes, K. E. Boyer, and E. Hines. 2020. Assessing anthropogenic risk to sea otters (Enhydra lutris nereis) for reintroduction into San Francisco Bay. PeerJ 8:e10241.
Parker, V. T and K. E. Boyer. 2019. Sea-level rise and climate change impacts on an urbanized Pacific Coast Estuary. Wetlands. PDF
Hughes, B. B., K. Wasson, T. Tinker, S. L. Williams, L. P. Carswell, K. E. Boyer, M. W. Beck, R. Eby, R. Scoles, M. Staedler, S. Espinosa, M. Hessing-Lewis, E. U. Rechsteiner, K. Beheshti**, T. M. Grimes**, B. H. Becker, L. Needles, J. A. Tomoleoni, J. Rudebusch**, E. Hines, and B. R. Silliman. 2019. Species recovery and recolonization of past habitats: lessons for science and conservation from sea otters in estuaries. PeerJ 7:e8100.
Harrison, C. D., et al. (76 authors, including K. E. Boyer). 2019. Investigating instructor talk in novel contexts: widespread use, unexpected categories, and an emergent sampling strategy. CBE: Life Sciences Education 18:ar47.
Wittyngham**, S. S., J. Moderan, and K. E. Boyer. 2019. Temperature and salinity effects on submerged aquatic vegetation traits and susceptibility to grazing. Aquatic Botany 158:103119. PDF
Nielsen, K., J. Stachowicz, H. Carter, K. Boyer, M. Bracken, F. Chan, F. Chavez, K. Hovel, M. Kent, K Nickols, J. Ruesink, J. Tyburczy, and S. Wheeler. 2018. Emerging understanding of seagrass and kelp as an ocean acidification management tool in California. Working group of the Ocean Protection Council Science Advisory Team and California Ocean Science Trust. PDF
Rohr, M. E. et al. (36 authors, including K. E. Boyer). 2018. Blue carbon storage capacity of temperate eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadows. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 32:1457-1475. PDF
Owens, M. et al., including K. E. Boyer. 2018. Collectively improving our teaching: Attempting biology department-wide professional development in scientific teaching. CBE: Life Sciences Education 17(2):1-17. DOI 10.1187/cbe.17-06-0106
Reynolds, P. L, J. J. Stachowicz, K. Hovel, C. Boström, K. Boyer, M. Cusson, J. S. Eklöf, F. G. Engel, A. H. Engelen, B. K. Eriksson, J. Fodrie, J. N. Griffin, C. Hereu, M. Hori, T. Hanley, M. Ivanov, P. Jorgensen, C. Kruschel, K.-S. Lee, K. McGlathery, P. O. Moksnes, M. Nakaoka, F. T. Nash, M. I. O'Connor, N. O'Connor, R. J. Orth, F. Rossi, J. Ruesink, E. Sotka, R. K. F. Unsworth, M. A. Whalen, J. E. Duffy. 2018. Latitude, temperature and habitat complexity predict predation pressure in eelgrass beds across the Northern Hemisphere. Ecology 99(1):29-35. PDF
Murphy**, J. L, K. E. Boyer, and E. C. Carpenter. 2017. Restoration of cordgrass salt marshes: limited effects of organic matter additions on nitrogen fixation. Wetlands PDF
Kollars**, N. M., A. K. Henry**, M. A. Whalen, K. E. Boyer, M. Cusson, J. S Eklöf, C. Hereu, P. Jorgensen, S. Kiriakopolos, P. L. Reynolds, F. Tomas, M. S. Turner, and J. L. Ruesink. 2017. Meta-analysis of reciprocal linkages between temperate seagrasses and waterfowl with implications for conservation. Frontiers in Plant Science.
Owens, M. et al., including K. E. Boyer. 2017. Classroom sound can be used to classify teaching practices in college science courses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (12) 3085-3090. PDF
Boyer, K., C. Zabin, S. De La Cruz, E. Grosholz, M. Orr, J. Lowe, M. Latta, J. Miller, S. Kiriakopolos, C. Pinnell**, D. Kunz, J. Moderan, K. Stockmann**, G. Ayala**, R. Abbott, and R. Obernolte. 2017. San Francisco Bay Living Shorelines: Restoring Eelgrass and Olympia Oysters for Habitat and Shore Protection. Chapter 17 in D. M. Bilkovic, M. Mitchell, J. Toft, and M. La Peyre, eds., Living Shorelines: The Science and Management of Nature-Based Coastal Protection. CRC Press Marine Science Series. PDF
Cloern, J. E., A. Robinson, A. Richey, L. Grenier, R. L. Grossinger, K. E. Boyer, J. Burau, E. A. Canuel, J. F. DeGeorge, J. Z. Drexler, C. Enright, E. R. Howe, R. Kneib, A. Mueller-Solger, R. J. Naiman, A. Mueller-Solger, J. L. Pinckney, D. Schoellhamer, and C. Simenstad. Primary production in the Delta, then and now. 2016. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 14(3). doi:
Borgnis**, E. and K. E. Boyer. 2016. Salinity tolerance and competition drive distributions of native and invasive submerged aquatic vegetation in the upper San Francisco Estuary. Estuaries and Coasts 39:707-717. PDF
Boyer, K. and M. Sutula. 2015. Factors controlling submersed and floating macrophytes in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Southern California Coastal Water Research Project. Technical Report No. 870. Costa Mesa, CA. PDF
Lewis**, J. T. and K. E. Boyer. 2014. Grazer functional roles, induced defenses, and indirect interactions: Implications for eelgrass restoration in San Francisco Bay. Diversity 6:751-770.
Archbald**, G. and K. E. Boyer. 2014. Potential for spread of Algerian sea lavender (Limonium ramosissimum sbsp. provinciale) in tidal marshes. Invasive Plant Science and Management 7:454-463. PDF
Carr**, L. A. and K. E. Boyer. 2014. Variation at multiple trophic levels mediates a novel seagrass-grazer interaction. Marine Ecology Progress Series 508:117–128. PDF
Archbald**, G. and K. E. Boyer. 2014. Distribution and invasion potential of Limonium ramosissimum sbsp. provinciale in San Francisco Estuary marshes. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 12(2). PDF
Ort, B. S., C. S. Cohen, K. E. Boyer, L. K. Reynolds, S. M. Tam and S. Wyllie-Echeverria. 2014. Conservation of eelgrass (Zostera marina) genetic diversity in a mesocosm-based restoration experiment. PLOS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0089316
Powers, S. P. and K. E. Boyer. 2014. Marine restoration ecology. Ch. 22 in Bertness, M. D., J. P. Bruno, B. R. Silliman, and J. J. Stachowicz. Marine Community Ecology and Conservation, Sinauer. PDF
Boyer, K. E. and W. J. Thornton**. 2012. Natural and restored tidal marsh communities. Chapter 17 (pp. 233-251) in A. Palaima, ed., Ecology, Conservation, and Restoration of Tidal Marshes: The San Francisco Estuary. University of California Press. PDF
Ort, B. S., C. S. Cohen, K. E. Boyer, and S. Wyllie-Echeverria. 2012. Population structure and genetic diversity among eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds and depths in San Francisco Bay. Journal of Heredity 103:533-546. PDF
Reynolds, L. K., L. A. Carr**, and K. E. Boyer. 2012. A non-native amphipod consumes eelgrass inflorescences in San Francisco Bay. Marine Ecology Progress Series 451:107–118. PDF
Ryan**, A. B. and K. E. Boyer. 2012. Nitrogen further promotes a dominant salt marsh plant in an increasingly saline environment. Journal of Plant Ecology 5:429-441. PDF
Carr**, L. A., K. E. Boyer, and A. Brooks. 2011. Spatial patterns in epifaunal community structure in San Francisco Bay eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds. Marine Ecology 32:88-103. PDF
Boyer, K. E. and A. P. Burdick**. 2010. Control of Lepidium latifolium (perennial pepperweed) and recovery of native plants in tidal marshes of the San Francisco Estuary. Wetlands Ecology and Management 18:731-743. PDF. Errata. Revised Fig. 4. Revised Table 2
Boyer, K. E. and S. Wyllie-Echeverria. 2010. Eelgrass Conservation and Restoration in San Francisco Bay: Opportunities and Constraints. Report for the San Francisco Bay Subtidal Habitat Goals Project. 84 pp. Appendix 8-1. PDF
Reynolds, L. K. and K. E. Boyer. 2010. Perennial pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium): properties of invaded tidal marshes. Invasive Plant Science and Management 3:130-138. PDF
Boyer, K. E., J. S. Kertesz**, and J. F. Bruno. 2009. Biodiversity effects on productivity and stability of marine macroalgal communities: the role of environmental context. Oikos 118:1062-1072. PDF
Huntington**, B. E. and K. E. Boyer. 2008. Evaluating patterns of nitrogen supply using macroalgal tissue content and stable isotopic signatures in Tomales Bay, CA. Environmental Bioindicators 3:180-192. PDF
Bruno, J. F., K. E. Boyer, S. C. Lee, and J. E. Duffy. 2008. Relative and interactive effects of plant and grazer richness in a benthic marine community. Ecology 89:2518-2528. PDF
Huntington**, B. E. and K. E. Boyer. 2008. Impacts of red macroalgal abundance (Gracilariopsis sp.) on eelgrass (Zostera marina) in Tomales Bay, California. Marine Ecology Progress Series 367:133-142. PDF
Armitage, A. R., K. E. Boyer, R. R. Vance, and R. F. Ambrose. 2006. Restoring assemblages of salt marsh halophytes in the presence of a rapidly colonizing dominant species. Wetlands 26:667-676. PDF
Boyer, K. E., and P. Fong. 2005. Co-occurrence of habitat-modifying invertebrates: effects on structural and functional properties of a created salt marsh. Oecologia 143:619-628. PDF
Boyer, K. E., and P. Fong. 2005. Macroalgal-mediated transfers of water column nitrogen to intertidal sediments and salt marsh plants. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology & Ecology 321:59-69. PDF
Bruno, J. F., K. E. Boyer, J. E. Duffy, S. C. Lee, and J. S. Kertesz**. 2005. Relative effects of species identity and richness on primary production in benthic marine communities. Ecology Letters 8:1165-1174. PDF
Boyer, K. E., P. Fong, A. R. Armitage, and R. A. Cohen. 2004. Elevated nutrient content of macroalgae increases rates of herbivory in coral, seagrass, and mangrove habitats. Coral Reefs 23:530-538. PDF
Fong, P., K. E. Boyer, K. Kamer, and K. A. Boyle. 2003. Influence of initial tissue nutrient status of tropical marine algae on response to nitrogen and phosphorus additions. Marine Ecology Progress Series 262:111-123. PDF
Lindig-Cisneros, R., J. Desmond, K. E. Boyer, and J. B. Zedler. 2003. Wetland restoration thresholds: can a degradation transition be reversed with increased effort? Ecological Applications 13:193-205. PDF
Boyer, K. E., P. Fong, R. R. Vance, and R. F. Ambrose. 2001. Salicornia virginica in a southern California saltmarsh: seasonal patterns and a nutrient enrichment experiment. Wetlands 21:315-326. PDF
Fong, P., K. Kamer, K. E. Boyer, and K. A. Boyle. 2001. Nutrient content of macroalgae with differing morphologies may indicate sources of nutrients to tropical marine systems. Marine Ecology Progress Series 220:137-152. PDF
Boyer, K. E., J. C. Callaway, and J. B. Zedler. 2000. Evaluating the progress of restored cordgrass (Spartina foliosa) marshes: belowground biomass and tissue N. Estuaries 23:711-721. PDF
Boyer, K. E. and J. B. Zedler. 1999. Nitrogen addition could shift plant community composition in a restored California salt marsh. Restoration Ecology 7:74-85. PDF
Boyer, K. E. and J. B. Zedler. 1998. Effects of nitrogen additions on the vertical structure of a constructed cordgrass marsh. Ecological Applications 8:692-705. PDF
Fong, P., K. E. Boyer, and J. B. Zedler. 1998. Developing an indicator of nutrient enrichment in coastal estuaries and lagoons using tissue nitrogen content of the opportunistic alga, Enteromorpha intestinalis (Link). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 231:63-79. PDF
Zedler, J. B., K. E. Boyer, G. D. Williams, and J. C. Callaway. 1998. Creating intertidal habitat for endangered species in southern California: achievements and challenges. In A. McComb and J. Davis, eds. Wetlands for the Future. Gleneagles Publishing, Adelaide, Australia. PDF
Haltiner, J., J. B. Zedler, K. E. Boyer, G. D. Williams, and J. Callaway. 1997. Influence of physical processes on the design, functioning and evolution of restored tidal wetlands in California (USA). Wetlands Ecology and Management 4:73-91. PDF
Zedler, J. B., J. Desmond, S. Phinn, B. Nyden, G. Sullivan, G. D. Williams, J. C. Callaway, K. E. Boyer, and A. Powell. 1997. New tools for assessing coastal habitats. Proceedings of the 1997 California and the World Oceans meeting, San Diego, California. PDF
Boyer, K. E. and J. B. Zedler. 1996. Damage to cordgrass by scale insects in a constructed salt marsh: effects of nitrogen additions. Estuaries 19:1-12. PDF
Fong, P., K. E. Boyer, J. S. Desmond, and J. B. Zedler. 1996. Salinity stress, nitrogen competition, and facilitation: what controls seasonal succession of two opportunistic green macroalgae? Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 206:203-221. PDF